Thanks for this writeup Hendrik 🙂
I certainly agree with quite a few of the points you are making about which features get priority vs which ones don’t etc.
But I think the only possible solution to this problem is missing from here. The only way for anything to change in this regard is with meaningful investment & code contributions by other players than Automattic.
It’s easy to raise concerns and to voice opinions of how it should be. And as you well know I myself do a fair share of that.
But at the end of the day, the decisions and prioritization happens by the people who show up in code with contributions and feedback on tickets as they are in flight.
To me this also doesn’t have anything to do with the current drama. I’ve long before been a big advocate for Agencies in particular being more active in core. To date I’ve not really seem much movement here. And looking at the top 100 contributors to the gutenberg repository ( there currently is one other person from the agency world besides myself on the list. In order to change the balance this number needs to change. And it can only change if we start to more meaningfully contribute back time of people that can actually ship things.